Dan Jones
I've been a keen angler since my first trip back in the mid 80′s when my father took me sea fishing, Almost 40 years on and I still have vivid memories of that day. I spent most of my weekends during my teenage years hanging off Swansea's West Pier or wading through mud to reach the estuary. I would think nothing of cycling hours on end to reach likely fishing spots around the Gower coast.
Nearly thirty years ago I hooked in to my first ever Carp, at the time a Common Carp weighing 10lb 2oz was like nothing I'd ever experienced and the obsession that soon followed. In 2007 I decided to start an online fishing diary called 'Carp, Coarse and Swansea' initially it was more of a photos album but somewhere in the following years I became an angling blogger. In 2009 I posted my first video blog after landing a personal best Bream. I'm not quite sure when this became the norm but these days I rarely fish a session that doesn't require several hours of video editing. To be perfectly honest I never expected the volume of interest in my video blogs but as the current view total well over a half a million! I guess I must be doing something right.
Since becoming a member of Team Mistral I tried and tested nearly every product Mistral has to offer and I have yet to find one that doesn't catch fish but I usually find myself using one of my three favourites classic Rosehip isotonic, Belachan Shrimp and more recently Atlantic Crab which are responsible for my UK and French PBs.
In more recent years I became a father now my angling increasingly involves my two sons William and Edward who join me on the bank or bivvying up. Taking the boys fishing is fun but catching is essential and for those rare moments where I can get them to watch a rod, Mistral makes that a reality.
Tight lines