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Rich Adams

My first memories of fishing were way back in the 70’s when I can remember my Dad sorting out his cane rods and centre pins ready for an overnight session on the fens in search of eels. How I used to pester him to take me with him, I never did go on one of those trips but did eventually start going with him to local canals and gravel pits at the tender age of five. We caught all kinds of species and my knowledge of angling grew as did I and by the age of thirteen I had spread my wings and was fishing for the local junior angling club, a good way of travelling further afield on the many matches they arranged. I believe these early experiences have made me the angler I am today.

I believe it is important to fish for different species and over the years I have accumulated a creditable list of personal bests however I always seem to be lured back to fishing for my favourite species, carp. During the 80’s I worked in my local tackle shop and under the guidance of its owner my obsession with carp began. Together, with some select friends we targeted numerous un-fished pits throughout the Nene Valley with relative success. During this time I caught my first twenty, this was a big fish in the 1980’s! I was also fortunate during this period to meet some very good anglers along the way, Allan Parbery included and this is when my association with Mistral Baits began.

30+ years later I am still using Mistral baits and have caught a good head of carp both in England and abroad and I’m also very fortunate to be fishing a well maintained, non-profit making syndicate with a good head of big carp.

Due to work and family commitments my rod hours are limited but I still seem to maintain a reasonable catch rate. There are various reasons for this but I do believe that using quality bait is a major contributor to my success. Yes, I have tried the latest “in” baits like any other angler but for instant success and a maintained catch rate I have found that Mistral baits regardless of the flavour or range are hard to beat.

I am really happy to be part of the Mistral team and it is an absolute honour to be associated with all the other anglers involved. I hope to meet you on the bank in the future, until then happy angling and tight lines.


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